Wow! It feels like it’s been absolutely ages since the last time I wrote a Top Ten Tuesday post. I took a little break because I was busy and the topics didn’t really appeal to me that strongly, but there’s a whole load coming up now that are right up my street! My last Top Ten Tuesday was in May, and I’ve done 24 Top Ten Tuesdays in total. As always, Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by its creators at The Broke and the Bookish.
This topic was a tricky one. Lots of the books I love have sequels, and many of my favourite standalones have neat, tied-up endings and don’t provide any material for a potential sequel. That’s why I could only manage a Top Eight!

1. Dramarama, by E. Lockhart – I would love to know what Sadye did next! There are hints about the path she might take but I’d love to read about it in full.
2. The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks, also by E. Lockhart – It’s a brilliant standalone but I think it’s impossible to love it without wanting, even just a little bit, to find out what Frankie does next. Even if only at university. Or in senior year of high school!
3. Journey to the River Sea, by Eva Ibbotson – Need more Miss Minton. That is all.
4. Janes in Love, by Cecil Castellucci and Jim Rugg – This is itself a sequel to The Plain Janes, and there was supposed to be a third in the series, Janes Go Summer, but it was cancelled when the imprint was closed. Oh, comics industry.
5. Everything Beautiful, by Simmone Howell – I just want to spend more time with all the characters! I wonder how things work out between Riley and Dylan, and Riley and her stepmother.
6. Notes from the Teenage Underground, also by Simmone Howell – What does Gem do next? Don’t get me wrong, both these books are wonderful as they are, great standalones! I am just really curious.
7. Matilda, by Roald Dahl – wouldn’t you just love to know what she’s like when she’s a bit older?
8. Diary of a Grace, by Sarra Manning – I know why this has no sequel, but the little bit of me that is still fifteen desperately wants to know whether she stays with Toph or gets back with Jack!
Do you share any of my choices? Isn’t it completely annoying when sequels are cancelled? I know that happens fairly regularly with paranormal romance/urban fantasy series that don’t do as well as the publisher and author hoped. Has it ever happened to a series you loved?
Matilda would certainly be an interesting sequel to read!
I kind of hope that no-one ever writes it but it would be interesting!
I would LOVE to see a sequel to Frankie Landau-Banks. She is kick-ass.
It would be great, but I don't think there will ever be one!