This is a short one today as I’ve been far too busy over Xmas to spend as much time as I usually do collecting links!
Jo at weartheoldcoat got to interview Melina Marchetta!!! I’m not one to overuse exclamation marks but I think this justifies it. I don’t even have time to read it right now (I want to read it properly, not when I have twenty other things on my mind) but I thought I’d include it anyway as it looks fab!
Happy Christmas and Reading Resolutions for 2014 from For Books’ Sake, featuring a top ten of women authors to try next year.
It’s a sad fact of life that few of us have the space to keep every book we acquire. A Brief Guide To Culling Your Books at Good Books Good Wine is a very sensible guide to completing the difficult task known as the bookshelf cull.
Finally, a bit of humour – How to Write the Perfect YA Heroine (via Malinda Lo).
What have you been reading over Christmas? Have I missed any great blog posts while I’ve been eating and telly watching and eating and partying and eating?
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