This is my twenty-fifth Top Ten Tuesday. As always, Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by its creators at The Broke and the Bookish.
This topic is a great idea but it took me a while to come up with a full list! Some of my choices are small things, others much bigger, but they’re all extremely useful.
Top Ten Things That Make My Life as a Reader/Blogger Easier
1. Bookmarks – Imagine life without bookmarks. Struggling to remember page numbers or having to bend over the corners of pages. It’d be pretty horrible, right? And what about the other kind of bookmarks? I rely on web browser bookmarks to keep track of all the books I want to read.
2. Gimbles – I used to struggle to eat or do anything else while reading, but my Gimbles changed all that. I even use them now when I’m reading on my bed or the sofa, to give my hands and wrists a break.
3. Online library renewals and reservations – I can renew my library books and reserve future reads without leaving my house. It’s amazing. Which brings me to…
4. My smartphone – When I’m in a charity shop and I find a interesting book, I use my phone to check that it’s not in stock at the library.
5. Wikipedia and Fantastic Fiction – Both really useful resources for checking series orders and finding out the titles of other books by an author.

6. My Nook – It’s unlikely that it’ll replace paper books, but it is easier to fit in my handbag sometimes.
7. Goodreads – Being able to catalogue all my books on Goodreads is brilliant. It helps so much when I’m writing book list posts to be able to scroll through all the books I’ve read and jog my memory.
8. Twitter – For ‘networking’ with other bloggers. If I wasn’t on Twitter I’d miss out on all the great blogs and posts than get retweeted and otherwise shared around.

9. My diary – I make notes about the books I’m reading, post ideas, and I even use it to draft my Top Ten Tuesday lists. I write the next topic on each week’s note page, to help me to come up with ideas in advance.
10. My reading journal – Where I write all my thoughts about the books I’ve read. These notes form the basis for my reviews, though I usually don’t include everything that I’ve written in the journal.
Are any of these on your list?
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