This is my seventh Top Ten Tuesday post. Top Ten Tuesday was created and is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week there is no topic, in order to give people a chance to make up their own, or to use one from before they started joining in. I chose, from week 62:
Top Ten Books I Loved But Never Wrote A Review For
This is a pretty easy one for me because for the first couple of years I was a very slow poster and only reviewed a few of the books I read. Most of these I would have to read again in order to write a properly considered review, so this is a great chance to write about them without having to wait until I have the time to re-read.
I wish I'd reviewed every book I ever read!
Here is my It's Top Ten Travel Narratives. I hope you will stop by!
I'm not sure I do, Deb, I'd have a much bigger blog but I don't think the reviews would be of such good quality!