Fairytale retellings are my jam. Actually, I’m not a big fan of jam. So maybe not. Anyway. Fairytale retellings! I am absolutely obsessed with fairytale retellings and have been since my first year of university. I adore them. I haven’t read any for a while, despite having several on my TBR, but there are far more than ten with a place in my heart, so writing this was tricky…

1. ‘The Bloody Chamber’, by Angela Carter, from The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories – Beautiful, beautiful story from the queen of fairytale retellings. It’s Bluebeard, deliciously told and with a feminist twist.
2. ‘Puss in Boots’, by Angela Carter, from The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories – ‘The Bloody Chamber’ is gorgeous but it’s actually ‘Puss in Boots’ that is my favourite. It’s narrated BY THE CAT! There’s lust, there’s love, it’s masses of fun! I LOVE IT.
3. Valiant, by Holly Black – Val goes through hell and kicks butt and it’s ‘Beauty and the Beast’ without the nasty stink of Stockholm Syndrome.
4. ‘Snow’, by Francesca Lia Block, from The Rose and the Beast: Fairy Tales Retold – it hits on a lot of standard FLB tropes but it’s a perfect retelling of ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarves’.
5. Spindle’s End, by Robin McKinley – a retelling of ‘Sleeping Beauty’ that managed to be both epic and down to earth, being from the point of view of both the cursed princess and the fairy that’s trying to save her life and the kingdom.
6. Jack, the Giant Killer, by Charles de Lint – Jack is actually Jacky, and Jack is also a job description. I keep meaning to read more Charles de Lint but his books are not well stocked by libraries.
7. Ash, by Malinda Lo – a quietly beautiful retelling of Cinderella.
8. ‘The Kith of the Elf-Folk’ by Lord Dunsany (out of copyright, so click to read) – ‘The Little Mermaid’ except the Little Mermaid realises that being human is actually kind of rubbish compared to being a mermaid…
9. ‘Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf’, by Roald Dahl, from Revolting Rhymes – “The small girl smiles. One eyelid flickers…” perfect.
10. Fire and Hemlock, by Diana Wynne Jones – possibly the only retelling ever to make me cry!
If you enjoyed this you’ll probably also like to read my previous post, Top Ten Tuesday: Favourite Characters in Modern Fairy Tales and Fairy Tale Retellings.
Let me know in a comment if you did this week’s topic, and please leave recommendations for fairytale retellings you think I should read! Top Ten Tuesday was created and is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.