Check out my free ecourse, Ignite Your Passion for Reading: Fall in Love With Books!

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    • I hated the movie, and proceeded to hold a grudge against Michelle Trachenburg for appearing in it for years, through my first watching of Buffy! I wonder what I'd think of it as an adult!

  1. Oh my gosh I absolutely loved The Forestwife Trilogy! It was such an interesting take on the Robin Hood tale and I cried my eyes out at various points. I haven't read Ghostwritten yet, although I did read Cloud Atlas earlier last year. My mum really likes his work so I do have it sat on my to-read pile :)I've been meaning to read The Bloody Chamber for an age so I'll have to speed that along.Some of those others sound really interesting, will definitely have to have a look 🙂

  2. I missed this TTT somehow. What a neat topic! I can think of so many awesome books that I read before I started blogging about them. Actually, most of the awesome ones probably came before I started blogging about them.

    I think I read Harriet the Spy years ago, but I don't remember that much about it. The only other book on your list I'm familiar with is The Artist's Way, but even then, I've only flipped through it. The Forestwife looks interesting, though; I may have to check that one out.

    • There are rewind weeks every now and then, to give us a chance to do topics we missed, hopefully you'll get to do it then. The Forestwife is a fab book (and trilogy), my only caveat is that it was written for young teens so sometimes the writing can seem a bit simple in style, but it's still a lot of fun!

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